Estate Nirman Nigam – Gujarat unit About Details

Estate Nirman Nigam Gujarat unit is an important unit of Estate Nirman Nigam, Gujarat unit is working in all Districts of the state .

Estate Nirman Nigam is an independent Organisation and is engaged in Building construction work in all major Districts of India and working as the role of Nodel Agency in the field of building construction work in India. Estate Nirman Nigam is working in all types of Residential Building construction renovation and maintenance work, commercial building construction renovation and maintenance work, Industrial building construction renovation and maintenance work, school building construction renovation and maintenance work, Hospital building construction renovation and maintenance work, Hotel building construction renovation and maintenance work,Raw house building construction renovation and maintenance work,

Apartments building construction renovation and maintenance work, Residential Colony Development renovation maintenance and construction work,Farm house building construction renovation and maintenance work, Duplex house building construction renovation and maintenance work, Individual housing society building construction renovation and maintenance work, Show room building construction renovation and maintenance work, warehouse building construction renovation and maintenance work,cold storage building construction renovation and maintenance work, commercial complex building construction renovation and maintenance work ,All types of Fabrication work,all types of electrical work related to building construction,all types of plumbing work etc.

Estate Nirman Nigam Gujarat unit Play a vital role in the field of building construction work in all major Districts of Gujarat.

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